Translated by Willem Samuels
Format: Paperback, English
272 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: 0143034464/9780143034469
Published Jan 25, 2005 by Penguin Books
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Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s transcendent novels have become part of the world literary canon, but it is his short fiction that originally made him famous. The first full-size collection of his short stories to appear in English, All That Is Gone draws from the author’s own experiences in Indonesia to depict characters trying to make sense of a war-torn culture haunted by colonialism, among them an eight-year-old girl soon to be married off by her parents for money and an idealistic young soldier who witnesses the savage beating of a man accused of being a spy. Though violence and brutality pervade these tales, there is present throughout a profound sense of compassion—an extraordinary combination of despair and hope that gives All That Is Gone rare power and beauty.1
— Aamer Hussein in All That Is Gone by Pramoedya Ananta Toer, trans Willem Samuels (Independent, Dec 31, 2004)
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