Format: Paperback, English
64 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /978 0 9574596 2 5
Published Sep 26, 2013 by The Emma Press
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Eroticism isn’t just about sex: it’s about all the things around sex as well. Things like anticipation, desire, intimacy and romance. It can be visceral and beautiful, hilarious and alarming, and each person’s understanding of it is utterly unique. With The Emma Press Anthology of Mildly Erotic Verse, we have tried to represent eroticism in an honest, positive way, peeling back the associations with slickness and glamour to reveal human sexuality in all its messy, sexy glory. In twenty-three exquisite poems, nineteen poets from across the world celebrate the diversity and eccentricity of human sexuality with their stories of chance encounters and lingering memories.
Edited by Rachel Piercey and Emma Wright, with poems from Julia Bird, Mel Denham, Joy Donnell, Hugh Dunkerley, Kirsten Irving, Amy Key, Anja Konig, Ikhda Ayuning Maharsi, Julie Mullen, Richard O’Brien, Emma Reay, Kristen Roberts, Jacqueline Saphra, Lawrence Schimel, Stephen Sexton, Jon Stone, Sara-Mae Tuson, Jerrold Yam and Ruth Wiggins
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