Format: Paperback, Indonesian
220 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /9789797099497
Published Jun 01, 2015 by Penerbit Buku Kompas
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Annual best short story anthology, consisting of work printed by Kompas newspaper throughout 2014. This year’s best short story anthology was given the title “Di Tubuh Tarra, dalam Rahim Pohon” (“In Tarra’s Body, In the Womb of the Tree”), named after the year’s best short story, written by Faisal Oddang.
Kompas has a short story page that runs every Sunday that publishes the works of numerous literary writers across the nation. The tradition started in 1972 to give space for writing outside the journalistic discipline.
— Ernest Wiyanto in 2014: Not a Good Year for Indonesian Short Story Scene (Personal Blog, Dec 06, 2015)
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