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Gerbang Nuswantara

Book / Novel

Gerbang Nuswantara

by Victoria Tunggono

Format: Paperback, Indonesian
322 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /9789797099121
Published Mar 23, 2015 by Penerbit Buku Kompas

View on Goodreads | Google Books

Rani, a 16 years old girl who was born, raised and grown in Bandung, experienced a series of strange events after the divorce of her parents.

Started with getting lost on a hill with no peak, the visit from her uncle and cousin she had never known before, being introduced to javanese culture, and discovering a portal to another dimension!

Not just that, Rani and her cousin Bima desperately entered the portal and found that the things behind the Gate was actually far from her imagination about ‘the other world’. In that world, Rani saw an overly luxurious city, strange creatures and a terribly handsome prince who stole her heart.

The problem is, their visiting time is limited. Can they find their way back home and move on from the magical world?

Other/Related Editions

Gateway to Nuswantara
English / 2015

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