Jan 09, 2016, InterSastra
Indonesia’s selection as Guest of Honor at Frankfurt Book Fair 2015 is a tremendous opportunity to show international audiences our literary and cultural achievements, and for us it also means re-publication of long out-of-print classics, a chance to learn the workings of global publishing industry, and international media spotlights on many authors and creative workers. As happened in other focus countries before, in Indonesia there were controversies surrounding the selection of authors featured in the Fair. When InterSastra was invited to the Fair by Literature Across Frontiers, in July 2015, InterSastra decided to open up space for the authors not yet selected by the Indonesian National Committee to participate in this year’s Fair. In August, InterSastra sent out a call for submission, and then in September they read and selected the submissions without seeing the name or biography of the authors, so that they could focus only on the works’ quality.
Introduction / Foreword
Work(s) in Translation
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam by Norman Erikson Pasaribu, translated by Shaffira D. Gayatri
The Apple and the Tree by Cicilia Oday, translated by Dwiputri Pertiwi
Life in Technicolor by Mario Lawi, translated by Kaitlin Rees, translated by Miagina Amal
A Great Day for Mrs. Wagu by Desi Puspitasari, translated by Andy Fuller
Ah Xiang’s Last Day by Leopold Adi Surya Indrawan, translated by Indah Lestari
All for a Son by Guntur Alam, translated by Maya Saputra
The Embrace of the Rengas Tree by Dwi Ratih Ramadhany, translated by Linda Lingard