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City of Heidelberg / Press Release
Apr 08, 2024

Observer / What Media Says
Apr 05, 2024

ArtReview / As Seen On
Apr 04, 2024

Laksmi Pamuntjak: literary force of Indonesia talks of female ambiguity and “Asian literature” in the West

What Media Says

In this article: Laksmi Pamuntjak

Written by Yeseul Park, and was originally published in April Magazine

Jun 07, 2017

Q. Growing up in Indonesia, how did you experience the role of women? Living in Indonesia, which, for all its open embrace of diversity, is largely still about negotiating how to guard and protect our independence and our right to be the subject of our own lives and how to adapt, within reason, to the expectations of a patriarchal society.

Read the full article here.

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