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City of Heidelberg / Press Release
Apr 08, 2024

Observer / What Media Says
Apr 05, 2024

ArtReview / As Seen On
Apr 04, 2024

Xu Xi

Writer / See Roots

Originally named Xu Su Xi (许素细), is an English language novelist. She is an Indonesian Chinese raised in Hong Kong. Her latest novel, “That Man In Our Lives,” is out from C&R Press on September 15, 2016.

She is also the Hong Kong regional editor of Routledge’s Encyclopedia of Post-colonial Literature (second edition, 2005) and the editor or co-editor of the following anthologies of Hong Kong writing in English: Fifty-Fifty: New Hong Kong Writing (2008), City Stage: Hong Kong Playwriting in English (2005), and City Voices: Hong Kong Writing in English Prose & Poetry from 1945 to the present. Her work has also been anthologized internationally. Hong Kong magazines such as Muse run her writings from time to time and her fiction and essays have appeared recently in various literary journals such as the Kenyon Review” (Ohio), Ploughshares” (Boston), The Four Quarters Magazine (India), Ninth Letter” (Illinois), Silk Road Review” (Oregon), Toad Suck Review” (Arkansas), Writing & Pedagogy” (Sheffield, UK),Arts & Letters” (Georgia), Wasifiri (London), Cutthroat: A Journal of the Arts (Colorado), Hotel Amerika (Chicago), Upstreet (Massachusetts), and Asia Literary Review (Hong Kong).

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