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The Kalimantan Dolphin and Other Indonesian Tales

Begin a captivating journey with Timun Mas, a brave hero who triumphs against a mighty foe. Unveil the origin story of the Kalimantan dolphin and dive into the legend of Lake Toba. Discover the humorous adventures of local hero Pan Balangtamak, learn about Hua Lo Puu, the tiny bird, and explore the … [Read more...]

Yopi Gozal – Kemelut Rondasih dan Dua Anaknya

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The Goldfish

The Goldfish is a collection of poems by Ikhda Ayuning Maharsi Degoul. With illustrations by Emma Dai’an Wright. “I enter the white cave filled with white roses and white candles. I think I am alone, lost in this cave of madness. I continue to walk to the vulva space. A space of pleasure, says … [Read more...]

Rekayasa Buah

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Le donne di Saman

Saman is a story filtered through the lives of its feisty female protagonists and the enigmatic “hero” Saman. It is at o­nce an exposé of the oppression of plantation workers in South Sumatra, a lyrical quest to understand the place of religion and spirituality in contemporary lives, a playful … [Read more...]

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