Format: Paperback, Indonesian
384 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /9786020674469
Published Nov 29, 2023 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama
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Dima Sawitri’s first assignment as a journalist in Kaba Jorong led her to a case involving the deaths of two illegal loggers.
The police suspected that the two loggers died from fatal tiger attacks. However, as Dima investigated the case with Timur, her colleague, the number of casualties increased, and many suspicious pieces of evidence emerged.
Not only that, their investigation was also obstructed by the police and the palm oil company, PT Zamrud Bumi. There were whispers among the residents, believing that the victims were killed by inyiak—an ancestral spirit guarding the forest in the form of half-tiger, half-human—who was angry because the victims were destroying the forest.
However, was it true that Inyiak killed the victims?
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