
Saraswati: Wisdom & Knowledge, a Bilingual Anthology of Indonesian Writing
by Absurditas Malka Agus Rois Bambang Kariyawan Ys. Bunyamin Fasya Dias Novita Wuri Erni Aladjai Fadel Ilahi El-Dimisky Faisal Oddang Ishack Sonlay Maggie Tiojakin Metron Masdison, S Ninda Daianti Regi Sastra Sena Rio Fitra SY Sulfiza Ariska
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Founded in 2004, the Foundation is an independent, non-profit, non-government organization. The members of the Foundation are committed to enriching the lives and livelihoods of Indonesians through the development of a range of community-building arts and cultural programs.
The primary goal of the Foundation is to give full expression to the creative needs of individuals and the community in order to better equip them to interact in our rapidly changing global society. Through its revenue from ticket sales to events and workshops, the Festival provides the Foundation with vital support to pursue its creative, educational and youth mission.