September 14, 2018 — by IDWRITERS
Last updated on September 14, 2018 at 9:12 pm
Goenawan Mohamad with his work Sajak-sajak Lengkap (Complete Poems) won the prestigious Khatulistiwa Award, of which the jury consists of 45 persons judging in three phases. The award was announced by John B. Arnold from Ernst & Young, and was received by Ayu Utami on behalf of Goenawan Mohamad, who was abroad at that time. The collection of Goenawan’s poems got the award, conceived by Richard Oh from the QB World Books, setting aside other nominated works. Sapardi Djoko Damono is the initiator of the award, and also the Chief Editor of Jurnal Puisi (Journal for Poems), where those awarded poems had been published.