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National Book Day

On this day in 2002, National Book Day declared by Minister of Education Abdul Malik Fadjar and takes place on May 17 every year—a date that coincides with the establishment of the national library in 1980. The book day is often associated with reading habits in Indonesia. … [Read more...]


2018 — Festival Sastra Bengkulu started for the first time, with over 100 writers—including from neighboring countries, hosting events for three days until 15 July. The festival was held as a way to promote Bengkulu art and cultural tourism to support Visit Bengkulu 2020 program, and also to … [Read more...]

Ruang Perempuan dan Tulisan

With the financial assistance from Cipta Media Ekspresi, DEWI NOVIAMI—who happened to be also a program officer at Lontar Foundation—spearheaded a program titled Ruang Perempuan dan Tulisan (Women’s Space and Writings), which goal was to rekindle public interest in literary works by the … [Read more...]


On this day in 2015, IDWRITERS was officially introduced to the public in an event at Goethe-Institut Jakarta. This Literary Day was enlivened by the appearance of Seno Gumira Ajidarma, Adimas Immanuel, Rain Chudori, Dunia Manji, and The Bandaneira. … [Read more...]

Horison was back with printed version

Horison has returned with its printed version (Horison No. 1 Th. 53 January-March 2018), but now in a quarterly format. The magazine, initially established by the Indonesian Foundation (Yayasan Indonesia), officially launched its first issue on July 15, 1966. However, during an event in Jakarta … [Read more...]

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