August 11, 2018 — by IDWRITERS
Last updated on August 13, 2018 at 10:05 pm

Beginning #OnThisDay in 2016, Bio Fantasy: A Tribute To Chairil Anwar a solo exhibition was held in Galeri Salihara for 15 days. Bio Fantasy is dedicated to honoring Charil Anwar, a literary maestro who gave birth to a new paradigm in Indonesian language and pioneered “Angkatan 45” (Indonesia’s art and literary movement during Indonesia’s post-independence era). Bio Fantasy presents the complete poetry by Chairil Anwar with 75 accompanying abstract artworks and fiction by Melissa Sunjaya. Hand-lettered excerpts of Chairil Anwar’s poetry, which are secretly embedded in these work of art, can only be viewed with the provided red film lens. Active interactions of the audience, who viewed the Bio Fantasy artworks with the provided red film lens, unveils another form of live installation about ‘sense poetry’.