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Seri Buku Toleransi: Kitu Kucing Kecil Bersuara Ganjil

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Kind Looking Eyes

This book is an anthology of Ahmad Tohari’s fifteen short-stories that had appeared in countless newspapers between 1983 and 1997. Like his novels, his short-stories always have distinct characteristics. He always portrays the lives of the poor people or the low working class, with all their pain … [Read more...]

Setangkai Melati di Sayap Jibril

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Does free will truly exist? Does man truly exist? Okky Madasari explores the seminal questions of mankind and humanity in her latest novel. A struggle arises between the two main characters, Sasana and Jaka Wani, in the search for freedom from all restraints––from those of the mind and body, … [Read more...]

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