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Narasi Mematikan: Pendanaan Teror di Indonesia

The dynamics of terrorism in Indonesia are deeply intertwined with various factors that enable terrorist groups and actors to persist. At different phases and incidents, they camouflage themselves so effectively that they appear indistinct among the general population. Distinguishing their … [Read more...]

Teori Cahaya dan Esai-esai Lainnya

Sartika Dian Nuraini dissects several of her thoughts in Teori Cahaya dan Esai-esai Lainnya (Theory of Light and Other Essays). There are 31 essays in three sections. Dian wrote on various topics, including fine arts, theatre, film, women, history, literature, language, literacy, social phenomena, … [Read more...]

Mixed-Race Superman

Mixed-Race Superman asks what it means to be mixed race in an increasingly divided world. In an era where a man endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan can sit in the White House, Will Harris considers how two very different supermen—Barack Obama and Keanu Reeves—each transformed the confusion of a mixed … [Read more...]

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