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Butterfly Hug

It takes a long time to make mental health a priority supported by the social system and the government. The stigma connected to survivors remains a formidable barrier to a meaningful and complete discussion of the subject. Prevention and therapy are being promoted, but the pervasiveness of harmful … [Read more...]

Waria, Bahasa dan Dunia Malam

. … [Read more...]

Childfree & Happy

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Traveling Aja Dulu!

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C*bul: Perbincangan Serius Tentang Seksualitas Kontemporer

Hendri Yulius’ C*bul: Perbincangan Serius Tentang Seksualitas Kontemporer unveils the contemporary sexuality from the pornographic points of view. The content of the books itself is noteworthy because there are not so many non-fiction books that expose the issues on sexuality, pornography, and … [Read more...]

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