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Lara Norgaard

An editor, journalist, and translator. A graduate of Princeton University (B.A. Comparative Literature), she founded and directed Artememoria, a free-access, English-language arts magazine focused on the memory of Brazil’s civil-military dictatorship and served as Editor-at-Large in Brazil for … [Read more...]

Jeffrey E. Thomas

Jeffrey E Thomas is Associate Dean, Daniel L. Brenner Faculty Scholar and Professor of Law at the School of Law, University of Missouri Kansas City (thomasje@umkc.edu). … [Read more...]

Paromita Chakrabarti

Assistant Professor in the Department of English at HR College, University of Mumbai and a 2010-2011 Fulbright Nehru Doctoral Research Fellow, at Indiana University, Bloomington. She received her M Phil in African American Feminist Theater and teaches American and Postcolonial literature to college … [Read more...]

Hendrik Maier

Professor, Literature of Southeast Asia and Indonesia . Ph.D. in Indonesian, Leiden University, 1985. Hendrik M.J. Maier received traditional training in philology and textual criticism of the languages of Indonesia at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands, where he held the chair of Malay … [Read more...]

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