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Collection of Short Stories

Malam Pertama Calon Pendeta

Bali is often praised for having a society that values mutual respect, full of tolerance, and lives in a balanced relationship between nature, individuals, and God. However, it is also well known that the island's customs, traditions, and caste system are sources of conflict. These issues are often … [Read more...]


In this collection of short stories, *Monumen*, Dini narrates various things based on actual events. Among them are stories about ordinary people (short stories "Si Pencit" and "Perumnas") and domestic conflicts (short stories "Yustina" and "Kawin Perak"). Additionally, Dini expresses social … [Read more...]

She Wanted To Be a Beauty Queen

“She dreamt she saw her mother chewing a quid of betel. As she chewed, spittle spurted from her lips and dribbled down her pure white dress, spattering it with blood-red stains. There was something almost sinister about her mother’s behavior, chewing betel and looking about with a wild, hungry … [Read more...]

Neraka yang Turun ke Kebun Kelapa

Ida Fitri builds her fictional world based on the rich backdrop of Aceh—its history, myths, and the lives of its people both past and present. The imaginary blends with the factual, the historical with the imaginative, the profane with the religious, revealing various aspects of life experienced by … [Read more...]

Pistol Perdamaian

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