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Rekayasa Buah

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About Us

A taxi ride, a train trip, a family photo: in About Us, seemingly unremarkable journeys and mundane objects ripple with the repercussions of past decisions. All is not what it seems at a family wedding, a regretful father risks estranging his daughter, and a young woman is tormented by the cries of … [Read more...]

Waking Up for the First Time

Her husband has his working room and she will have her wardrobe room back. She even circled the date when their younger daughter will leave the house to continue her study in a university out of town. She can't wait any longer for the day to come, she even helps her daughter manage and pack her … [Read more...]

Footprints / Tapak Tilas

Footprints is a unique anthology, as it gathers the work of authors, who are well known as well as newcomers, including one winner of a youth writing competition and a first-time writer. The selections move from the generation of Budi Darma and Mochtar Loebis to the next generation of Zen Hae and … [Read more...]

Non è mica la vergine Maria

In Indonesia, la più popolosa nazione musulmana al mondo, i veli che coprono i volti delle donne – e delle bambine – sono esplosi come una moda. Di recente il governatore della capitale Jakarta, Ahok, è stato arrestato con l’accusa di blasfemia perché, cristiano, ha osato citare il Corano in … [Read more...]