Format: Paperback, Indonesian
174 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /9786239366964
Published Oct 01, 2023 by Teroka Press
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Although the events of the mass human rights violations in 1965-1966 occurred five decades ago, it does not mean that Indonesia has healed from the wounds it caused. “Rumah Dukkha” gathers 20 stories that question and draw from the post-traumatic conditions experienced and narrated by the victims of that dark historical period. These victims, though on the surface they may appear like “ordinary people” with the intricacies of their lives, carry unhealed traumas that gnaw at their bodies and minds, affecting those around them and even being passed down to the next generation. Through the stories in “Rumah Dukkha,” readers are no longer invited to witness the forms of human rights violations that occurred in the past but to swim in the inner sea of the victims—calm yet turbulent, smooth yet rocky.
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