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The Frog Prince in his Little Kingdom

A captivating story of an arrogant big frog in a small pond who wanted other animals to call him prince until he met a small bird who shared stories from the bigger world. The frog was later captured by humans and was kept in a small aquarium. As readers follow along, they will be given the … [Read more...]

A Dark Tale from Cottonwood Grove

Cursed with a cleft lip and a disreputable father, Mat has been an outcast since birth in Cottonwood Grove, his village in Indonesia. Never having known love or kindness, he grows up to be a violent and aggressive man, ever ready to kill anyone who annoys him. Inayatun is the village beauty, … [Read more...]

Malam Pertama Calon Pendeta

Bali is often praised for having a society that values mutual respect, full of tolerance, and lives in a balanced relationship between nature, individuals, and God. However, it is also well known that the island's customs, traditions, and caste system are sources of conflict. These issues are often … [Read more...]


"I just need a proper date." "I just need someone to talk to." Some say a perfectly organized life is like neatly packaged food. Everything is in its place, beautifully arranged. Then, unexpectedly, an event occurs, the package is nudged, and its contents scatter on the floor. The life … [Read more...]


In this collection of short stories, *Monumen*, Dini narrates various things based on actual events. Among them are stories about ordinary people (short stories "Si Pencit" and "Perumnas") and domestic conflicts (short stories "Yustina" and "Kawin Perak"). Additionally, Dini expresses social … [Read more...]

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