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A. Teeuw

Andries Teeuw, better known as A. Teeuw in scholarly circles and Hans Teeuw to his friends, was a Dutch critic of Indonesian literature. Teeuw conducted a field study of Indonesian literature in Yogyakarta between 1945 and 1947. While in Yogyakarta, he worked on translating the Bhomakhawya, … [Read more...]

Ben Anderson

Benedict Richard O'Gorman Anderson (August 26, 1936 – December 13, 2015) was a political scientist andhistorian, best known for his 1983 book Imagined Communities, which explored the origins of nationalism. Anderson was the Aaron L. Binenkorb Professor Emeritus of International Studies, Government … [Read more...]

Burton Raffel

Burton Nathan Raffel was an American translator, a poet and a teacher. He is best known for his translation of Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote, as well as classic poetry like Beowulf, poems byHorace, or Gargantua and Pantagruel. ((Wikipedia)) Burton Raffel spent two years in Indonesia in the … [Read more...]

George Quinn

Born in New Zealand on July 22, 1943, his love of Javanese culture began when he met Emmy Oey, an Indonesian woman of Chinese descent from Banyumas, Central Java. Since those Banyumas visits, Quinn delved deeper into Javanese language and culture while lecturing on the subject at the Australian … [Read more...]

Jean Couteau

An observer of Bali for over 40 years, Jean Couteau is a graduate of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and former lecturer at the Denpasar Institut Seni Indonesia. He is a reputed specialist on Balinese culture, having authored: Puri Lukisan (2000), Un Autre Temps: Les Calendriers … [Read more...]

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