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Writer Herry Gendut Janarto Dives Into Poetry With Humor

Biographical writer Herry Gendut Janarto has turned to comedy in his latest book "Gado-Gado Kredo" (Credo of Gado-Gado). The book, which was released at the end of August, is a collection of 101 poems that Herry wrote over the past year. It also marks his return after a four-year hiatus. To … [Read more...]

‘Race, Islam and Power’ set to launch ahead of 2019 presidential election

Indonesian researcher for Human Rights Watch Andreas Harsono is set to launch his book Race, Islam and Power on April 16, just before the 2019 elections. The 256-page book is published by Monash University Publishing. With the subtitle Ethnic and Religious Violence In Post-Suharto Indonesia, the … [Read more...]

A Clear Dawn: The voices breaking into New Zealand literature

“Like writing, identity is an ongoing act of discovery. So is reading.” The words that open the new anthology A Clear Dawn: New Asian Voices from Aotearoa New Zealand are a promise for the rest of the book, the first-ever anthology of Asian-New Zealand writing. “I think, you know, the name of the … [Read more...]

UK publisher to launch portraits of Jakarta in fiction anthology

Every person who has been lucky enough to taste chaotic yet enchanting Jakarta would agree that the city is crammed with interesting stories. Open your window anywhere in the city and you will immediately find romance, horror, comedy, drama or anything in between waiting to be written … [Read more...]

Where the water flows: Sindhunata launches new poetry book

Words have the power to deceive. Words are also how water flows and follows its stream. Those words were uttered by Gabriel Possenti Sindhunata, a Catholic priest who has published a number of books on literature and poetry. His newest collection of poems is titled Air Kejujuran (Water of … [Read more...]

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