The story starts in present-day Jakarta, on the morning of a human rights conference. An older narrator wakes up and argues with his wife as married couples do. He chats with the taxi driver on the way to the meeting hall before taking the stage. The narrator, it becomes clear, is a former … [Read more...]
‘Beauty is a Wound’ among Literary Hub’s best translated novels of the decade
Eka Kurniawan’s critically acclaimed contemporary literature classic Cantik Itu Luka (Beauty is a Wound) continues to make rounds worldwide as Annie Tucker’s English translation of the novel was recently recognized by literary website Literary Hub as “one of the best translated novels of the … [Read more...]
‘Buru Island: A Prison Memoir’ now available for English readers
The English translation of Buru Island: A Prison Memoir by Indonesian author Hersri Setiawan has been released by Monash University Publishing. Translated by Jennifer Lindsay, Buru Island: A Prison Memoir is the final book in the Herb Feith Translation series, a program that publishes … [Read more...]
Intan Paramaditha’s ‘Gentayangan’ receives PEN/Heim Translation Fund Grants
Intan Paramaditha’s book, Gentayangan: Pilih Sendiri Petualangan Sepatu Merahmu(The Wandering: Choose Your Own Red Shoes Adventure), was among recipients of the 2019 PEN/Heim Translation Fund Grants. First established in 2003, PEN/Heim Translation Fund awards grants to promote the publication and … [Read more...]
Rajawali Bercerita: “I Want to Tell a Story Too”
“Who wants to hear a story?” asked Kak Dito. “I do… I do… I do…” shouted the children. That morning (2/12), Sanggar Fortune 1 located in Pondok Pinang received a visit from Rajawali Group. This time, Kak Satrio Anindito got the turn to tell a story. With his witty style, as he was telling a story … [Read more...]