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The tragicomic tale of an Indonesian migrant worker’s voyage through love and betrayal. Maya, a thirty-something Indonesian caught in the undercurrent of life’s uncertainty, takes a leap of faith from the chaos of Jakarta to a job as a waitress aboard a European cruise ship. There, she meets … [Read more...]

49 Hari: Kisah Penantang Gelombang

Aldi Novel Adilang's rompong drifted away, tossed by waves in the middle of the ocean. During that time, his life and death hung in the balance. Until the 49th day, when both the rompong and his life were saved by the Panama-flagged tanker MV Arpeggio. His life story and rescue caught the public's … [Read more...]

The Good, the Bad, and the Aunties

What should have been a family celebration of Chinese New Year descends into chaos when longtime foes crash the party in this hilariously entertaining novel by Jesse Q. Sutanto, bestselling author of Dial A for Aunties. After an ultra-romantic honeymoon across Europe, Meddy Chan and her husband … [Read more...]

Die Leute von Oetimu

Sergeant Ipi, der junge (und einzige) Dorfpolizist, übt seine Autorität nicht immer gewaltfrei aus. Doch heute hat er alle Männer von Oetimu eingeladen, um am einzigen Fernseher des Dorfes das Finale der Fußball-WM 1998 zu schauen. Er hat etwas zu feiern, nämlich seine Verlobung mit der schönen … [Read more...]