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Perempuan yang Menangis kepada Bulan Hitam

Magi Diela was abducted and tamed like an animal. His dream of building Sumba has vanished. Now she must fight against her parents, the entire village, and customs that seek to snatch her independence as a woman. When culture imprisons the rebellious heart of Magi, she must choose her own hell: … [Read more...]

Interrogation Records

To this day, there exists in Indonesia a black hole of silence in acknowledging the 1965 mass killings as what they were—tragedy. Jeddie Sophronius’s Interrogation Records is a rare docupoetry collection that explores and calls into question the “official” narratives revolving around the massacre … [Read more...]

She Wanted To Be a Beauty Queen

“She dreamt she saw her mother chewing a quid of betel. As she chewed, spittle spurted from her lips and dribbled down her pure white dress, spattering it with blood-red stains. There was something almost sinister about her mother’s behavior, chewing betel and looking about with a wild, hungry … [Read more...]

Neraka yang Turun ke Kebun Kelapa

Ida Fitri builds her fictional world based on the rich backdrop of Aceh—its history, myths, and the lives of its people both past and present. The imaginary blends with the factual, the historical with the imaginative, the profane with the religious, revealing various aspects of life experienced by … [Read more...]

Kisah-kisah yang Terpendam dalam Pelita

The ten short stories in "Kisah-kisah yang Terpendam dalam Pelita" (Stories Hidden in the Lantern) are the result of ideas that have long been buried in the minds of the writers. The strong spirit of exploration is palpable. There is much to be revealed and brought forth. Not only do they explore … [Read more...]

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