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City of Heidelberg / Press Release
Apr 08, 2024

Observer / What Media Says
Apr 05, 2024

Perempuan Yang Dihapus Namanya

Book / Poetry Collection

Perempuan Yang Dihapus Namanya

Women Whose Names Were Erased
by Avianti Armand

Format: Paperback, Indonesian
104 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /9786020337135
Published Jan 23, 2017 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama

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Reading Holy Books is like entering a labyrinth. In that labyrinth fact and fiction are tangled. Worlds intertwined with words. And those words present a chunk of a universe, which is incomplete and not entirely truthful, it hides some things that we do not yet know. The poems in this book are lifted off the Holy Books, The Old Testament. The book is rendered with women who are present, alive, and weaving history along with the men, but in all those stories the women remain behind veils. Avianti Armand chose to rewrite the stories of 5 most intriguing, ambiguous, and treacherous women from it. This collection of poems is not an attempt to bring the women out of the labyrinth, but an invitation for us to meet them through other winding, twisted, and unpredictable paths.

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