Format: Paperback, Indonesian
280 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /9786020663180
Published Jan 19, 2023 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama
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Aldi Novel Adilang’s rompong drifted away, tossed by waves in the middle of the ocean. During that time, his life and death hung in the balance. Until the 49th day, when both the rompong and his life were saved by the Panama-flagged tanker MV Arpeggio. His life story and rescue caught the public’s attention, showered with surprising publicity. Aldi and his family became sudden celebrities. Years later, a writer was assigned to document his story. An extraordinary struggle must be written in an extraordinary way. Traveling to Manado and exploring the lives of Aldi and his family. Behind the dazzling impressions of the capital, the writer harbors a restless life. The story of Aldi and the writer is a portrait of human life. They face their own anxieties. For life is like a rompong that does not always encounter calm seas. Waves lurk behind the walls of the rompong.
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