by Budiman Sudjatmiko
Format: Paperback, Indonesian
494 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: 9792299432/9789792299434
Published Nov 04, 2013 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama
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The life experiences of Budiman Sudjatmiko, who also revealed what he thinks about this nation and what is inside it like poverty, its citizens, and other aspects.
“People need to look for what was most disconcerting when they were little. Just go along with what you liked when you were little, be consistent, and then go for it. There is no such thing as knowledge which is valuable or not valuable. All knowledge has a purpose,” said Budiman.
“People who just go along with opinions and do not look for facts, do not have independence. In order to have independence, we need to first actively read books. Second, we have to learn from all directions, from books and from reality, and then look at how they are related. Third, we need to study history (learn about incident plots) and the logic behind it,” explained Budiman.1
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