by Soe Tjen Marching (among others)
Edited by Putu Oka Sukanta
Format: Paperback, Indonesian
Published by Ultimus
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Cahaya Mata Sang Pewaris: Kisah Nyata Anak-Cucu Korban Tragedi ’65 (Glimmers in the eyes of the heirs: True stories from children and grandchildren of the ’65 tragedy), Putu Oka Sukanta has put the spotlight back on the issues.
The writer, an activist who has tirelessly pushed for reconciliation surrounding the tragedy, was a political prisoner incarcerated from 1966 to 1976 without trial for his involvement with the now-defunct leftist artists association Lekra.
He has edited the anthology, which features testimony from 25 individuals, who are second- and third-generation family members of the 1965 victims.
— Sebastian Partogi in Examining Indonesia’s collective trauma (Jakarta Post, May 22, 2017)
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