Format: Paperback, Indonesian
182 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /9789791260695
Published Jun 01, 2017 by
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“This is a story that didn’t happen too long ago. A grim tale, full of blood. Only about the span of two village head elections; not long after, for the first time in this area, Golkar easily defeated Petiga.”
Thus, Warto Kemplung began his tale to anyone willing to listen at the coffee stall: a love story between Mat Dawuk and Inayatun, a pair frowned upon by society, set against the backdrop of a Javanese village transformed by cash crops and migrant labor, wrapped in humor, action, and the melodies of Indian films.
The question is, how much of Warto’s story actually happened—or is it just a fabrication to cover up his own past?
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