Translated by Daniel Owen
Format: Paperback, English / Indonesian
208 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /9781954218192
Published May 14, 2024 by World Poetry
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Indonesian poet Afrizal Malna’s Document Shredding Museum moves from intimate encounters between lovers and friends to mass environmental and semantic destruction, engaging with Javanese literary tradition and the archives of colonial and postcolonial violence.
Drawing on a wide array of modes and moods, and colored always by Malna’s characteristic complex of dark humor, curiosity, and insight into the iniquitous social conditions of the global present, Document Shredding Museum proposes a poetics of uncertainty and wonder as it aims to make porous the ossified social imagination encoded in dominant regimes of language usage. Since the mid-1980s Malna has been respected as an innovator in the Indonesian literary tradition, and his extensive work in performance and visual art has deeply informed his poetics. First published in 2013, these poems explore Indonesian and global histories by reflecting on the mythic in the everyday and the everyday in the mythic. Document Shredding Museum is the first of Malna’s books to be published in the United States.1
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