by Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie
Format: Paperback, Indonesian
280 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /9786023758449
Published Feb 01, 2017 by Grasindo
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Best Fiction 2016 from Rolling Stones Magazine. The Winner Writer of Jakarta Art Council Writing Competition 2014 and 2016.
“At three in the morning, sweaters, and the streets were dark and lonely… There are maps, directions; and Jakarta, a place we had never visited before.”
Roses, blue hyacinth, and jasmine. Carried by a silver ballon, these flowers are delivered to Emina’s apartement balcony every day. They arrive without any name, without a message. Perhaps there is a supicious stalker who knows the address of her house? When – fearlessly – Emina trys to trace the stalker, her search takes her to a mysterious little girl in a flower shop, in a quiet apartement next door, where there is also a stack of love letters that contain past stories among the old buildings of Jakarta City.
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