Format: Paperback, Indonesian
328 page(s)
Published Feb 01, 2009 by AsmaNadia Publishing House
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Yup! Don’t be afraid to travel just because you wear a hijab. Several Muslim women in this book have proven that they can explore various parts of the world, something that is often the dream of many people. In unique ways. In fact, you should feel safe with the hijab, because usually, few people pay attention. Wait, is this sad or happy news? Hehehe. I mean, few bother, like… 😛
Anyway, Jilbab Traveler reveals the exciting journey stories of 10 hijabers to various countries: Paris, America, Iran, Korea, China, the Caribbean, Russia, etc. Curious about how people abroad see someone wearing a hijab? From being mistaken for domestic workers, suspected as terrorists, shouted at by Madame Theresa, to being asked,
“Your outfit is amazing! Where can I get one?”
Besides being exciting, this book will make your travel skills even more solid. Vacation, school, courses, assignments, traveling, or accompanying your husband, both domestically and internationally? No problem! Traveling becomes easier, safer, and cheaper, and you might even get to travel for free! Interested?
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