Edited by Yudhi Herwibowo
Format: Paperback, Indonesian
171 page(s)
Published Jan 01, 2024 by Maysanie Foundation
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The ten short stories in “Kisah-kisah yang Terpendam dalam Pelita” (Stories Hidden in the Lantern) are the result of ideas that have long been buried in the minds of the writers. The strong spirit of exploration is palpable. There is much to be revealed and brought forth. Not only do they explore from historical data from books that we already know, but also develop from the stories of close people, such as grandparents or others, making the stories genuine and previously unknown to us.
We then realize that there are so many historical stories around us, and we do not have enough energy to constantly piece them together, except by choosing one or two stories to write. “Kisah-kisah yang Terpendam dalam Pelita” is just a small effort that can be made to remind us that the past is actually near us. Very close.
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