Format: Paperback, Indonesian
247 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /9786026030481
Published Jun 18, 2023 by POST Press
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For many, life can be this long journey, where one moment of joy is not the end. There will be sadness, pain, loss, and moments of despair that follow. Yet, that sadness is not the end either; happiness will come, or at least that’s what we strive for. And in between, in the darkest moments, we reach out for something to hold onto, something we cling to tightly until, eventually, the light arrives.
The characters in Cyntha Hariadi’s eight stories also seek that anchor – something that makes the burdens of life bearable. They grasp onto beautiful memories, lean on their anger, hold onto innocent hope, or embrace the boundless possibilities of a brand-new life. How do they endure? How do they navigate their days? Days that will continue for a long time.
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