Illustrated by Jackson
Format: Paperback, Indonesian
45 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /9786026477170
Published Nov 01, 2016 by Direktorat Kepercayaan Terhadap Tuhan YME dan Tradisi
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My name is Panca. I am 11 year old boy. I like adventure and reading folktales from various regions in Indonesia.
This time, I spend my time in Bali for holiday. Bli Komang takes me to many tourist attractions. Bli also takes me to join local event: cleaning Ulundanu Batur Temple together. I have a new friend named Made. Made is being bullied by other friends, but Made still helps them when they have problems. Made’s story is similar to the story of Kebo Iwa and Batur Lake . Besides an interesting story, this book consists of fun games such: Word Search, Picture Guessing and Find the Differences.
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