Format: Paperback, Indonesian
559 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: 9792262814/9789792262810
Published Oct 01, 2010 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama
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The novel is published as a continuous story in KOMPAS daily. I’m a prostitute, but I’m also a true dancer. I’m a Dutch with Indonesian blood cursing through my vein. MATA HARI, is a famous name recorded in various literature and mainly related to espionage, intrigue and sensuality. Living in the end of 19th century towards the beginning of 20th, Mata Hari accommodates the changes that mark the turn of the centuries, until she became a double agent for France and Germany during the World War I. The novel reveals a period of her life few discussed, her life in Indonesia. Who’s the androgynous writer, who goes in and out the minds of man and woman to explore the life Mata Hari with empathy? He is Remy Sylado, an icon of the 70’s. He’s still producing his works in literary, plays and other art including painting. My Name Is Mata Hari is a very filmic prose. He admits that this book is prepared for filming.1
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