by Tsugaeda
Format: Paperback, Indonesian
375 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /9786234830545
Published Sep 19, 2022 by Onepeach Media
View on Goodreads | Google Books
Format: Paperback, Indonesian
375 page(s)
ISBN/ISBN13: /9786234830545
Published Sep 19, 2022 by Onepeach Media
View on Goodreads | Google Books
Dio can’t rest for too long after completing his first mission. A new mission has come. This time, he has to investigate an illegal logging syndicate that has long been damaging the forests of Indonesia. For uncovering the case, he needs to travel, starting from the depths of the Kalimantan forest to Singapore.
However, the further he delves into this case, he uncovers a much darker crime. His investigation suddenly turns into a deadly human hunting game.
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