Omong-Omong Media
In this article: Amir Hamzah Chairil Anwar Rendra, W. S.
Written by Okky Madasari
Originally published in Omong-Omong Media.
Jul 31, 2022
Written by Okky Madasari
Originally published in Omong-Omong Media.
Jul 31, 2022
What is God? What is poetry?
Spirituality has been a main topic for poetry across Nusantara for centuries. Since the beginning of Malay poetry in the 16th century through the works of Sufi poet, Hamzah Fansuri, to the pioneer of Indonesia’s modern poetry, Chairil Anwar, in the mid 20th century, to today’s generation, and from syair generation to TikTok generation, poetry has been a way to find the meaning of God and spirituality.
Between Hamzah Fansuri in the 16th century and Amir Hamzah in the beginning of the 20th century Sufi poet, poetry is medium of worshiping God — to express the love and longing for God, to surrender and to acknowledge the greatness of God. While Sufism itself is way to define God in more humanistic way, it is undoubtedly that Sufi poets see God as the greatest supranatural being, the creator and the source of everything.
Read the full article here.