In this article:
Negeri 5 Menara (Trilogi Negeri 5 Menara #1)
Written by Bivisyani Questibrilia, originally published in Personal Blog
Oct 11, 2015
Negeri 5 Menara (Trilogi Negeri 5 Menara #1)
Written by Bivisyani Questibrilia, originally published in Personal Blog
Oct 11, 2015
Last year on my 22nd birthday, I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish before my 23rd birthday. One of those things was to read more Indonesian literature. It has been a great while since the last time I enjoyed reading Indonesian books on a daily basis - the time was around 2nd or 3rd grade. But this year I was determined to dive more into books from my own nation because - let's face it! - there are still so many great writers and stories to choose from. I'm so happy to have done that and here are the reviews of all the Indonesian books I've been reading recently. Although, be warned, most of these books aren't particularly new - I've just been reading Indonesian books I haven't explored into and just found lying around the house.
Read the full article here.