Here at Brow Books we're all about transparency in our publishing process, especially the cool, gooey parts of it. So today we're letting you in on how we conceptualised, planned and shot the cover of one of our recent books: Intan Paramaditha's pulpy collection of stories, Apple and Knife.
Apple and Knife's cover has received a lot of love since its publication in March. You'd be forgiven for assuming that its image — a clenched fist oozing white slime — came from one of the internet's reliable vendors of bizarre stock photos. But this is not the case.
Before we reveal all, we very much want to acknowledge the hard work of everyone involved in the making of this cover, including creative directors and designers Rosetta Mills and Brett Weekes, editor of the book Elizabeth Bryer, model Annur Yusuf, and photographer extraordinaire Percy Caceres. Remember: everyone at TLB is a volunteer!
Read the full article here.