In this article:
Ngaji Rumi: Kitab Cinta dan Ayat-ayat Sufistik
originally published in Tehran Times
Apr 25, 2021
Ngaji Rumi: Kitab Cinta dan Ayat-ayat Sufistik
originally published in Tehran Times
Apr 25, 2021
“Rumi’s Book of Love and Sufistic Verses” written by Afifah Ahmad was released by Afkaruna, an Indonesian interdisciplinary journal of Islamic studies, the Iranian Cultural office in Jakarta announced on Saturday.
“This book is full of spiritual and intellectual knowledge from a great world legend, Molana Jalal ad-Din Rumi,” the publisher has said.
Afifah Ahmad is one of the few Indonesian women who is able to write about Rumi in Indonesian well and captivatingly.
Read the full article here.