Firman Hidayat
In this article:
Manusia Tanpa Kelamin
Written by Amahl S. Azwar, originally published in Jakarta Post
Jan 23, 2022
Manusia Tanpa Kelamin
Written by Amahl S. Azwar, originally published in Jakarta Post
Jan 23, 2022
Short story collection Manusia Tanpa Kelamin (People Without Genitals) puts forth contemporary issues through a fictional lens Imagine if every single human being was born without sexual organs. Would we be able to stop sexual abuse and control our lusts? In the title story of her latest short story collection, Manusia Tanpa Kelamin (People Without Genitals), author Jannah Maryam Ramadhani (pen name Jane Maryam) invites her readers to visualize such a scenario.
Read the full article here.