Anya Rompas
In this article:
We Are Nowhere and It’s Wow.
Written by Syarafina Vidyadhana, originally published in VICE
Aug 14, 2017
We Are Nowhere and It’s Wow.
Written by Syarafina Vidyadhana, originally published in VICE
Aug 14, 2017
Who would've ever thought that the bitchy critic/ essayist Mikael Johani was such a poet? Not me, that's for sure. I was already pretty familiar with Mikael's essays when his poetry anthology We Are Nowhere and It's Wow came across my desk. I'm not going to lie, his poems gave me all kinds of warm fuzzies. The book, republished by POST Press in late July, offered readers a peek into his early life in Australia, as well as thoughtful ruminations on identity, art, and modern Indonesia.
Read the full article here.