In this article:
Apple and Knife
Gentayangan: Pilih Sendiri Petualangan Sepatu Merahmu
Written by Katherine Cowdrey, originally published in Bookseller
Mar 21, 2018
Apple and Knife
Gentayangan: Pilih Sendiri Petualangan Sepatu Merahmu
Written by Katherine Cowdrey, originally published in Bookseller
Mar 21, 2018
Harvill Secker has acquired two "fierce and unconventional" books from Indonesian writer Intan Paramaditha. It will publish feminist short story collection Apple and Knife in spring 2019 and The Wandering, a novel about displacement where the reader chooses their own narrative path, in 2020.
Ellie Steel, senior editor at Harvill Secker, signed UK and Commonwealth rights in both books from Kelly Falconer at Asia Literary Agency.
Read the full article here.