Raudal Tanjung Banua, translated by Harry Aveling
Published as a part of Writing from Indonesia, Mar 05, 2019
Originally published
In this Indonesian short story, one baby’s fate is entwined with that of the nation.
For the first time in his long career as a biographer, Abraham Yusra felt that he was being put to the test. Someone special had asked him to write the biography of a baby and he felt that he couldn’t refuse. But what could he say about a baby that had just come into this turning world? What would the child know of life? How would one begin the narrative?
For the first time in his long career as a biographer, Abraham Yusra felt that he was being put to the test. Someone special had asked him to write the biography of a baby and he felt that he couldn’t refuse. But what could he say about a baby that had just come into this turning world? What would the child know of life? How would one begin the narrative?
Read the full story here.