In this article: Emha Ainun Nadjib
Written by Alpha Amirrachman, and was originally published in Jakarta Post
Oct 18, 2008
Written by Alpha Amirrachman, and was originally published in Jakarta Post
Oct 18, 2008
When a group of priests from the Dutch Protestant Church approached renowned Indonesian poet and Muslim scholar Emha Ainun Najib to ask him to stage a performance of his musical band Kiai Kanjeng in the Netherlands, Emha did not think twice about accepting.
The offer was made not long after the release of Geert Wilder's controversial movie Fitna.
"They wanted us to help reduce the tension and enhance understanding among religious communities," Emha told The Jakarta Post on the sidelines of Kiai Kanjeng's performance at the Islamic Cultural Center in Deventer, the Netherlands.
Read the full article here.