In this article: Feby Indirani
Written by Monika Griebeler, and was originally published in Deutsche Welle
Jul 27, 2015
Written by Monika Griebeler, and was originally published in Deutsche Welle
Jul 27, 2015
Feby Indirani was an accomplished TV journalist when she decided to become a full-time author. In DW interview, she talks about the potential of Indonesian literature and her own journey as a writer.
DW: In 2013, you decided to leave your job as a successful journalist for a life of uncertainty as a full-time writer. Were your family and friends happy with your decision?
Feby Indirani: Some of my friends were skeptical about my decision and called me crazy. They knew I had published some books, but quitting a stable job was quite shocking for many. When you are a TV producer and you host your own show, you are not expected to give it up for something as unconventional as writing. They asked me whether I was sure about my decision and wouldn't be missing the TV glamour. Even after two years some people still ask those questions.
Read the full article here.