In this article: Joko Pinurbo
Written by Sekar Gandhawangi, and was originally published in Kompas.id
Apr 27, 2024
Written by Sekar Gandhawangi, and was originally published in Kompas.id
Apr 27, 2024
The Indonesian literature world is in mourning again after Yudhistira ANM Massardi passed away in early April 2024. Now, poet born in Sukabumi, Joko Pinurbo (61), breathed his last breath on Saturday (27/4/2024).
The news of Jokpin's death was conveyed by the editor of Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Mirna Yulistianti, who had been editing Jokpin's books. Mirna said she received the sad news from Jokpin's wife, Nurnaeni Amperawati Firmina, on Saturday morning, via the Whatsapp application.
The news of Jokpin's death was conveyed by the editor of Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Mirna Yulistianti, who had been editing Jokpin's books. Mirna said she received the sad news from Jokpin's wife, Nurnaeni Amperawati Firmina, on Saturday morning, via the Whatsapp application.
Read the full article here.